

1767 Uppsatser om Spatial awareness - Sida 1 av 118

Skräcken i Lådan : En studie om rumslig åskådarmedvetenhet i George A. Romeros tre klassiska skräckfilmer

This thesis focus on the presentation of the filmic room the viewer sees in George A. Romero´s three horror classics Night, Dawn and Day of the Dead. The hypothesis goes as follow; fear and element of tension becomes greater if the audience/viewer has a good knowledge about the filmic room in the film, in other words, a good Spatial awareness. The conclusion is that it does. The environment is active in its becoming and in its presentation to the viewer.

Kroppsuppfattning hos värnpliktiga män

Body awareness is a term that refers to a person´s perception and knowledge about his or her body. It includes proportion, size, weight, contour and image of ones body. The Ben- Tovim Walker Body Attitudes Questionnaire (BAQ) contains 44 questions concerning the different aspects of body awareness: Feeling fat, Body disparagement, Strength and fitness, Salience of weight, Attractiveness and Lower body fatness. The purpose of this study was to investigate body awareness among men in military recruit training. BAQ was distributed to fifty recruits for military service in Boden.

Torslanda Utveckling Möjligheter Konflikter

Examensarbete/D uppsats 20 poäng programmet för fysisk planering vid Blekinge Tekniska Högskola.

Stadens arena - Lokalisering och funktion

Arbetet behandlar idrotts- och evenemangsarenors lämpliga lokalisering i staden i förhållande till dess funktioner och effekter..

Central Peripheries: speculation and strategy for a land less mentioned

As the contemporary discourse surrounding urbanism is almost exclusively focusing on aspects of density and traditional urban qualities, it entrenches notions of what constitutes a proper city and countryside. But beyond this urban-rural dichotomy is another highly contemporary landscape. A territory usually mentioned as sprawl, peri-urban, wasteland, edge city, etc. Although its existence is due to mobilization, telecommunications, globalization and other phenomena of modern life, it is a landscape without an own name or place in public awareness.This thesis provides a case study of how to map and intervene in such a landscape, specifically along the border between Malmö and Burlöv municipalities in southern Sweden. Its structure is composed of a sequence of three parts:1 Spatial Conditions:Divided up in the sections Network, Fringe and Void.

Rothenburgsort - en urban trädgårdsstad

Stadsförnyelse i innerstadsnära läge. Utarbetning av en strukturplan för stadsdelen Rothenburgsort i Hamburg.

Husbåtar - framtidens boende med flyt

Examensarbete om moderna husbåtar med Sverige som utgångspunkt. .

Vinterkvarter och sommarparadis - en fördjupning av översiktsplaner för Rälla och Stora Rör på Öland

Ett samrådsförslag till fördjupning av Borgholm och Mörbylånga kommuners översiktsplaner för orterna Rälla och Stora Rör..

Integrera offentlig konst och planering!

Examensarbetet belyser problematiken kring den offentliga konsten och hur den offentliga konsten bättre kan integreras i den kommunala planeringens beslutsprocess med hjälp utav en analys- och samarbetsmetod. Delar av analys- och samarbetsmetoden genomförs i fyra fallstudier i Eskilstuna och Uddevalla..

Furulunds framtida utveckling

Furulund är en mindre ort i Skåne som står för en stor förändring när orten får en tågstation..

Rummets relevans : Besökares upplevelse av osäkerhet    i relation till en lärandeutställnings rumsliga utformning

This paper discusses the feeling of insecurity in educational exhibitions. The study analyzes one exhibition at the museum ?Nordiska Museet? in Stockholm, and strives to answer how the question of spatial factors can influence the feeling of insecurity, and thereby also the information process.The following questions have been addressed: Can we speak of a spatial allocation problem of exhibitions that contain much information? What is the relationship between the exhibition's intention and visitors conduct A model has been designed with influence from wayfinding where the exhibition is divided into basic parts, which allows a detailed study of the exhibition, and of how the parts relate to each other. The research contains spatial analyze, observations as well as interviews.The conclusion is that we, in the scientifically investigated exhibition, can speak of a spatial allocation problem when the information seems to be an overload for the visitor..

Belysning för immateriella rum -en lysande byrå

Bright Chest of DrawersThis project derives from a fascination of spaces which withonly light and shadow withhold a narrative value, which createsemotions and experiences with a minimum of objects. Iwanted to invesitigate light and lighting, and create a productthat can change the mood and experience of a spatial enviromentwith light. Questions I asked myself was: How do I relateto the spatial limitations that arise? How can I, with light asmy tool, give form to an immaterial value or state of mind?Will the object that illuminates be the most important factorof communication and meaning when I want to tell a story, oris it the light itself?The result became a chest of drawers that is lighted up frominside when you open the drawers. It serves a function as a unitfor storage of objects, but also makes us reflect of the importanceof objects, of how we define a spatial enviroment, andwhat we consider as private spaces in our home..

Att skriva sig språkligt medveten eller bli språkligt medveten för att erövra skriftspråket : Språklig medvetenhet hos sexåringar i montessoriskola och i förskoleklass

In Montessori pre-schools early reading and writing is an important feature. By tracing sandpaper letters with their fingers and voicing the sound simultaneously the children connect phonemes to graphemes and normally learn to write between the ages of four and five. 24 sixyear old children who attended Montessori pre-school and 26 six-year old children who had not attended Montessori school were assessed with a test assessing their linguistic awareness.The result showed that the Montessori children were more linguistically aware than the children who hadn?t received any literacy training. The scores of the Montessori children were highest on phonological awareness.

Spårväg i Malmö - idag och igår

De svenska städerna har genomgått en omvandling gällande synen på kollektivtrafik. För hundra år sedan var spårvägen det vanligaste kollektiva färdsättet. Sedan dess har städerna genomgått stora förändringar men det intressanta är att allt fler städer väljer att gå tillbaka till spårvägstrafik. Detta fenomen ville jag undersöka lite närmare och resultatet är dettta kandidatarbete med Malmö som föremål för fallstudien.

Robusthetsanalys och riskinventering i Karlshamns kommun 2002

Robusthetsanalys och riskinventering i Karlshamns kommun 2002 med avgränsningen Teknisk försörjning, transporter och transportanläggningar samt Hantering av farliga ämnen..

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